
Empowering Young Artists
to Grow and Create

Registeration for Winter Open Now!

Join Graceful Monsters ETC for our Winter Season! Options for grades 3-12!

Suggested Grades: 3rd-6th

Dec. 1st- Feb. 9th | Sun. 1-4pm and Thurs. 4:30-6:30pm

*No rehearsal Dec. 20th- Jan. 4th
Tech Rehearsals: Feb 2nd 1pm-5pm, Feb 3rd-5th 4-7pm
Rehearsal Location: Barry Family Campus Theater
Performances: Barry Family Campus Theater| Feb 6th, 7th and 8th at 7pm and Feb 9th at 2pm

Description: This magical story explores the world of Giants who live above the clouds. Ever since they left Earth a long time ago, the Giants have made a life up above where their job is to keep the sky beautiful. They polish the stars, poke the clouds to let it rain and paint the sunsets. But there is one curious Giant who wonders what life is like on Earth, so she steals a key to the locked up “beanstalk” and embarks on an adventure down below!

Suggested Grades: 7th-12th

Dec 10th- Feb 16th | Tues 4-7pm and Wed 4-7pm

*No rehearsal Dec. 20th- Jan. 4th
Tech Rehearsals: Feb 10th-12th 4-7pm
Rehearsal Location: Barry Family Campus Theater
Performances: Barry Family Campus Theater| Feb 13th, 14th and 15th at 7pm and Feb 16th at 2pm

Description: One of literature's most enduring young heroines, Meg Murry, is back -- braces, stubbornness and all. Once again, she's joining forces with Mrs Whatsit, Charles Wallace, Calvin O'Keefe and more to battle the forces of evil so she can rescue her father, save humanity and find herself. In the end, we know two things for sure: 1. Love CAN overcome evil and 2. There IS such a thing as a tesseract.

Who (or What?) Is Graceful Monsters?

We’re theatre educators with decades of experience. We’re a collective of young artists from pre-K through high school. We are a safe space for young people to create, learn and be. Located in Minneapolis, MN.

It’s fun. The kids are nice. I get to wear cool costumes. I get to play mean characters. It’s a good life skill!
— Asher, 12
I gained so much more than just being involved in shows. I was able to grow as an actor, a person and a leader. It has been my home away from home, and Anthony and Haley are family.
— Talia, 19
Thank you for showing my child what he is capable of. He has grown so much, and not just on stage.
— Bruce, parent
Anthony and Haley create a creative space for ALL kids. Boys, girls and nonbinary youth are allowed to thrive in an inclusive, safe and supportive environment.
— Sarah, Parent
I love this community of kids, and the way they always welcome new ones into the fold. This is so much more than just a theater company.
— Tricia, parent
We feel very blessed to have found Haley and Anthony’s theater company, their heartfelt commitment to the kids and their top-notch standards for theater excellence. We highly recommend their programming to anyone.
— John, Parent